Titus 3- Law and Order

Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men. Titus 3:1-2

As we look around the world, we see chaos and the breakdown of civil law and order. So how does God maintain Law and Order in a fallen world? This is why God has ordained the governments and law authorities and put them in place, to try and restrain evil and maintain some sense of order. 

As the Apostle Paul said this under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit , “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” (Romans 13:1) We learn a few things here, first God ordained all the governments of the world for order and structure, and we are to respect the authorities that are above us, to the best of our abilities.

This is the same the Apostle Paul is saying here to Titus “Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates” We as Christians are to strive to live in peace with everyone (Romans 12:18) To be a good example for the rest of the fallen world, that includes paying our taxes and obeying the laws of the land. As the Lord Jesus said “Render to Caesar what is Caesers and Render to God what is Gods” (Mark 12:17) Give to the governments what belongs to the governments, and give to God what belongs to God. 

Now of course because we live in a fallen world, the governments are all corrupted, and some are very wicked and evil. Some governments abuse their authority and use it to oppress the people. So what do we do when the laws of the governments conflict with the laws of God? Well as the Apostle Peter and the other Apostles  said “We obey God rather than man” (Acts 5:29) When the laws of the government conflict with the laws of God, we always obey God first before men. This obviously sometimes will have repercussions, but we must stay obedient to our one and only Lord Jesus Christ

A good example is when King Nebuchadnezzar was forcing everyone to bow down to his golden statue. The Hebrew men refused because it violated the law of God, which overrides the law of man. The consequences meant death, as they were thrown into the fiery furnace, however there was a 4th man in there, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who spared their lives. We must remain faithful to God even if it means persecution or even death. (Daniel 3)

We worship a God of Law and Order, not a God of chaos or confusion (1 Cor. 14:33) Obey The Lord and strive to live in peace with everyone, the world is not our home, our Kingdom is eternal with The Lord, Amen!

9 thoughts on “Titus 3- Law and Order

  1. BJ

    Indeed, every law of man that violates God’s law is illegitimate. As you aptly wrote, “ So what do we do when the laws of the governments conflict with the laws of God? Well as the Apostle Peter and the other Apostles said “We obey God rather than man” (Acts 5:29) When the laws of the government conflict with the laws of God, we always obey God first before men.”

    I saw the following article today and it was a timely example to share,


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