Monthly Archives: August 2017

Seek God

You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

How are you seeking God? Many people say they are searching for God, but are they seeking with all their heart? Do you really want to get to know God and have a personal relationship with him? Some might think this sounds odd, how can someone have a relationship with our Creator? This is exactly what Jesus tried to teach us while he was here.

Jesus said to him, “Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father ‘? (John 14:9)
Philip who was seeking God, asked Jesus to show him the Father. Jesus said since you seen him, you have seen God. Jesus became God in the flesh, he is our personal relationship with God. If you truly want to know God , get to know Jesus. Nobody comes to the Father (God) except through him (John 14:6)

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

Jesus taught us to seek and you will find. Are you truly seeking God with all your heart? Don’t give up, Jesus promises he will be revealed to you. When you search God truly with all your heart in Jesus Name Amen



A scepter is the ultimate symbol of authority, royalty, and sovereignty. That scepter is Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He sits on the throne of Gods Kingdom that will reign forever.

Yet even though our King walked this world, the world didn’t recognize him. Many rejected him because they were expecting a Mighty Warrior like King David. They were hoping for a fierce leader who would slaughter the Romans and set the Jewish people free once again.

But our King is the Prince of Peace, he accomplished something greater than just defeating one army. Jesus defeated Satan and all his demonic forces of evil on this Earth, including sin and death. Nobody except Christ could have ever accomplished this but our Messiah, Lord and Savior.

Jesus didn’t need to use force to defeat evil, he used truth and righteousness. And the evil forces that thought they were destroying the Son of God, was just fulfilling our ransom for our sins. Never again will sin and death hold us captive because Jesus rose from the grave to reign as King of King forevermore Amen!

Great Power

“I have made the earth, the men and the beasts which are on the face of the earth by My great power and by My outstretched arm, and I will give it to the one who is pleasing in My sight. Jeremiah 27:5

In a world full of “political correctness” where everyone is afraid to offend each other, it’s good to remember that God doesn’t need to be “political correct”. It really doesn’t matter if the Bible offends you or if you don’t agree with it. God made the Heavens, Earth, and everything on it, he has the final say!

Often times we try to put God in a box, try to minimize him to fit our agendas. But we need to remember we are mere dust. For us to think we can control or dictate God is as ridiculous as a grasshopper trying to understand the universe. It’s all way above us, once you humble yourself and understand the awesomeness of God, you find a great peace in his perfect plan.

When we read the scriptures “Fear the Lord” its actually a bad English translation. The original Hebrew word is “Yireh” which means awesomeness. When you understand the awesomeness of God, then begins wisdom and understanding. When you don’t understand God is our Creator and Father, you miss out on true wisdom and understanding.

But even though in the grand scheme of things, are small and sinners, God demonstrated his love and mercy for us through Jesus Christ at the cross Amen!

Preach The Gospel

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15

Before Jesus ascended back to Heaven he gave us our marching orders, are you following them? Go into the world and preach the gospel to everyone! This may seem like a large task, but with technology and Social Media today, we are well equipped to accomplish this task.

Think about it, there might not have been a generation before who armed with the resources you have at your disposal. With the touch of a button, we can literally send the gospel to the entire world. The question is how are you using the resources at your disposal? Billions of people now have a Facebook account, I’m sure mostly everyone reading this has a Facebook account, did you ever share your faith with someone? Did you ever introduce anyone to Jesus?

Well you might say, “I don’t want to offend anyone” , remember Jesus said “Anyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge to my Father (God) (Matthew 10:32) If your too embarrassed to tell your friends or family about Jesus, can you really consider yourself a disciple?

Jesus doesn’t want weekend visits , he wants a permanent relationship. Maybe you say that’s too intense or time consuming. The fact is Jesus loved you enough to die for your sins, how do you show him your love? Many people are always asking what can Jesus do for me? Jesus has already given us everything, the question is “What will you do for Jesus?  Preach the gospel to everyone in Jesus Name Amen!

These Are The Days!

“Behold, the days are coming,” declares the LORD, “When I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; And He will reign as king and act wisely And do justice and righteousness in the land. Jeremiah 23:5

For hundreds of years the Jewish people were waiting for their coming Messiah, however turns out their Messiah is also our (The Gentiles) Messiah. We no longer have to wait for the days when God will send us a Savior, it was already fulfilled through Jesus Christ.

This Good News or “Gospel” should be exciting not only for the Jewish people but You also! Yet even though Christ has already fulfilled these prophecies and defeated sin and death, not many seem to either accept or rejoice for our Lord and Savior!

As the Jewish people realize , the Messiah is their only hope for redemption and salvation, Jesus is still our only hope also. There is no other cure for death than Jesus! There is no other redemption plan but Jesus Christ. Nobody comes to the Father God except through him

These are the days, Jesus has fulfilled and overcome the world. Your time is now to rejoice and accept your Lord and King. The King of Kings, that every knee will bow and tongue will confess Jesus Christ is Lord Amen!

Veil Was Torn

And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. Mark 15:38

One of the many things Jesus accomplished at the cross was he tore the veil. So what does this mean? Before Christ, you could only worship God at the Holy Temple. At the temple there was a giant veil, which only the high priests were allowed to go behind. Behind that veil was the presence of God. In order to get to God, you needed to go through the high priest at the temple.

But at the cross Jesus has ended all of that. By his blood, he made a new covenant that we worthy to stand before the presence of the Holy One. No longer is your relationship with God limited to a temple and a veil. You are now the temple of God and the Holy Spirit dwells in you!

What Jesus did by tearing the veil, was he has allowed us to have a personal relationship with God. No longer is God some distant figure, the Spirit of the Living God now lives in you. Wherever and whenever you go, God is with you!

Jesus is the only one who could “tear the veil”, he is our high priest (Hebrews 4:14), our mediator (1 Timothy 2:5), he is our chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20) Worship God in Spirit and Truth in Jesus Name Amen

Mighty Warrior

But the LORD is with me like a mighty warrior; so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced; their dishonor will never be forgotten. Jeremiah 20:11

Do you feel alone and defeated? Consider what the Prophet Jeremiah said, God is with him like a “Mighty Warrior”. Jeremiah who was called by God to be a prophet of Israel and have them repent of their sins and idolatry, was persecuted on a daily basis. Even though he spoke the words directly from God, nobody wanted to listen and they wanted him dead.

But God reminded Jeremiah he was always with him, he was the one giving him the wisdom to speak. No matter what turmoil Jeremiah faced, he had faith in God that he is a “Mighty Warrior” and his enemies would not prevail

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? Romans 8:31

If God is for us, who can stand against us? When we are faithful and follow Gods will and not our own will, nobody can stand against us. Nobody will be able to prevail against our God. Our God is a “Mighty Warrior”, creator of the Heavens and Earth. There is nothing that is impossible for him who believes!

So whatever your facing today, remind yourself, your God who created you, is also with you as a “Mighty Warrior” and you will prevail in Jesus Name Amen!

Will You Flee?

And they all left Him and fled. Mark 14:50

Will you flee Jesus during your storm also? The disciples of Jesus, who spent over 3 years with him ,learning the Word of God and witnessing miracles, left him in a second as soon as trouble came around. At this point Jesus was being arrested and being taken away to be beaten and crucified. These same disciples who told Jesus they would lay down their lives for him, took off to save their own lives.

Does this happen to us? We know and love Jesus, but as soon as times get tough, we leave him to blame him for our troubles. Why are we so quick to lose faith during trials and temptations? Why do we always assume when bad things happen its Gods fault?

Peter promised Jesus he would never leave him, but as soon as Jesus was arrested he denied Jesus three times. This is the same Peter who confessed Jesus was the Son of God. What happened to Peter? Where was his faith?

Fear is a human reaction that takes over quickly, as soon as we are in an uncomfortable situation, our minds tell us to run. But we need to remember that our God is greater than any fear. Our God is greater than any trial or temptation. Instead of cutting and running, we need to remain in the eye of The Storm who is Jesus Christ Amen