Monthly Archives: February 2017

Take Courage!

But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Matthew 14:27

What is your initial reaction when your life enters a storm? Just as Jesus told his disciples, he is telling you today, Take courage and don’t be afraid!

In life we may feel helpless sometimes like the disciples, floating in a boat in darkness. Sometimes were not sure what is going to happen next, but we should always remember God is with us. Just like the disciples, who thought they were alone in the darkness, Jesus was right by their side.

Only Peter had the courage to ask Jesus if he could walk on the water with him, and when he took that “leap of faith” he was walking on the water with his Lord!

But just as in life, a storm started to come in, Peter quickly lost his faith and began to drown. How many of us start off with strong faith and then begin to whither as the storms rage in?  God tells us to “Be strong and courageous, for God will be with you wherever we go” (Joshua 1:9)

Peter immediately cried out to Jesus, and he saved him. (Matthew 14:30-31) Even when we lose our faith or get off track, its always important to return to God. Even though Peter temporarily lost his faith, Jesus didn’t hesitate in saving him.

Remember if you’re in the storm today, if you feel like your drowning in that boat in the dark sea, Jesus is standing right there with you. Just as Peter did, cry out Lord Save me! And Jesus will grab you from the drowning waters and into his arms Amen!

Covered By The Blood

How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered! Psalm 32:1

Are you covered by the blood of Christ? Are your transgressions forgiven? The first thing we need to realize is that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23) this is why we all need Jesus. Without the blood of Christ there is no other way for your sins to be forgiven. Once you realize this, you realize how blessed we are through Jesus Christ.

The blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7) When Jesus took to the cross, he shed his blood for you and me. Through his royal blood all of our sins have been forgiven. Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2) when Jesus said “ It Is Finished” (John 19:30) all  your sins have been washed away. Jesus defeated death, hell, and the grave.

Because of this we can rejoice, how blessed are we all in Jesus. He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities, by his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:5) Everything that Jesus endured on the cross, was for you and me. By the shedding of his blood, our sins are covered, we are healed!

Sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4) and separates us from God. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior today, and be covered by his blood. Behold the Lamb of God has come to take away the sins of the world (John 1:29) that Lamb is Jesus Christ. Are you blessed or condemned? Accept the covering today in Jesus Name Amen!

Compassion Not Condemned

“But if you had known what this means, ‘I DESIRE COMPASSION, AND NOT A SACRIFICE,’ you would not have condemned the innocent. Matthew 12:7

Many people like to use religion to condemn people but Jesus clarifies this topic. In this example the Pharisees were condemning Jesus for healing people on the Sabbath Day. Jesus said it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath day (Matthew 12:12)  Jesus is saying if you see someone in trouble or needs help, do you think God wants you to ignore them because it’s the Sabbath day?

Even today many religious leaders like to condemn people for the Sabbath day. But we need to understand God made the Sabbath day for man (Mark 2:27) He didn’t create the day to condemn people. The Sabbath day was made out of compassion for man, to give us rest and peace.

When God made the commandment to Keep the Sabbath Day (Deuteronomy 5:12) he made it for our well-being. God knows you need rest, relief from stress. This is the purpose of the Sabbath day, to shut down and take a break, not to condemn yourself.

Jesus is Lord of The Sabbath (Matthew 11:28) if your tired and weary he will give you rest (Matthew 11:28) My yoke is easy and my burden is light (Matthew 11:30) Jesus desires to show you compassion and not condemnation, lay your burdens upon him in Jesus name Amen

Eternal Life

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:26

What happens after you die? This is a topic most of us have pondered sometime in our life. It’s a topic that even most religions fail to address. Jesus addresses this issue during a funeral.

When Lazarus passed away, his family was obviously angry at Jesus. They said if you were here you could have saved him! This is a natural reaction we all usually have with death. We blame God and sometimes we even reject God after a traumatic experience like death. However, Jesus said “whoever believes in him will live even if we physically die”

Sometimes we might feel like God is cold or angry and couldn’t understand our human emotion. But remember “Jesus wept” (John 11:35) Jesus was so overtaken by emotion he broke down and cried with Mary and Martha. Remember Jesus become God in the flesh (John 1:14) he knows the pain we feel.

But we have hope through Jesus Christ, because he is the resurrection. Just as when Jesus shouted “Lazurus , come forth” (John 11:43) the breath of God (ruach) was put back into Lazarus body, he lived again.  The same will be for all of us who put our faith and hope in Jesus Name Amen

The Expected One

and said to Him, “Are You the Expected One, or shall we look for someone else?” Matthew 11:3

Are you unsure if Jesus is really the Messiah or Son of God? Don’t feel bad if you do, even the prophet, John the Baptist, who Jesus called the greatest (Matthew 11:11), questioned whether Jesus was the Messiah. Its natural for us as humans to be skeptical or hesitant to trust. Because through our lives people have always let us down. But we need to understand that Jesus was perfect, he knew no sin (2 Corinthians 5:21) he spoke truth even when it meant his life.

Lets see how Jesus responds to this question: Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and report to John what you hear and see: the BLIND RECEIVE SIGHT and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the POOR HAVE THE GOSPEL PREACHED TO THEM. “And blessed is he who does not take offense at Me.” (Matthew 11:4-6)

First off Jesus didn’t get offended he simply said his evidence is by his works. We should not be afraid to ask God questions we don’t know. If you seek you will find (Matthew 7:7) God will reveal the answer to you through his works. Jesus demonstrated who he is , not only by his words, but by his actions.

Lastly notice Jesus says, blessed is he who does not take offense at me”. Anyone who acknowledges Jesus before others he will acknowledge to God the Father (Matthew 10:32) You can’t love God without loving the Son and vice versa.  Let God reveal his Son to you today, keep seeking and asking in Jesus Name Amen