Monthly Archives: October 2017

Gods Glory

Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him. John 7:18

Are you doing things for your glory or Gods glory? Jesus was addressing people who were rejecting and criticizing his teachings and miracles. They even went as far to accuse Jesus of being demon possessed and working for Satan. But Jesus told him none of this was for his Glory but for God our Father!

You see a lot of TV evangelist claiming to be doing the will of God, yet are living in mansions and flying in private jets. They have their names and faces posted all over books, while they are signing them like rock stars. Who’s Glory is this really for?

I believe most ministries start out with good intentions and then the root of evil , money and greed, get the best of a lot of ministries. Its important they we continually humble ourselves before God and do his will not ours

Jesus did the will of God our Father, even total obedience to the cross! Even when Jesus prayed to let this cup pass over him, he still did Gods will for his glory. Seek the glory of God our Father in Jesus name Amen

Unseen Love

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 1 Peter 1:8

Can you love someone you have never seen? Peter describes how we love Jesus even though most Christians have never seen him. How can we put so much hope into someone we have never seen?

I think about the time when we were expecting our children. For nine months we had no idea what they would look like. Yet we talked to them and loved them, it didn’t even matter what their appearance would be. Then  the glorious day came of their birth, and for the first time we looked into their eyes. A love and joy overcame us that was indescribable for words.

This I imagine will be the same when we finally meet Jesus face to face. Regardless of what Christ looks like, we will always love him because even when we were condemned he loved us first. And when that day comes when we look into each others eyes I imagine I will be speechless and filled with joy

Jesus said Blessed are those have not seen yet still believe, do we really need to have seen someone to love them, I don’t think so. We know what Christ has done for us and the future he has given us in Jesus name Amen

Bread of Life

Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. John 6:53

One of the most misunderstood statements Jesus made was this one, when he said this a lot of people stopped following him because they didn’t understand what Jesus was saying. Many perceived his statement as literal instead of spiritual

Often in life we do this, we think about our physical needs but disregard our spiritual needs. To clearly understand what Jesus was teaching we need to continue to read the scripture in context

This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” John 6:58

Jesus goes on to reference when God freed the Israelites from slavery and they were wandering in the desert heading towards the Promise Land. Along the way many miracles happened including God sending down “manna” or bread from heaven that fed everyone.

Jesus is referring to himself as “The Bread of Life” he is the living manna that God has sent down from Heaven to give us eternal life. Jesus sacrificed his body and shed his blood on the cross to give us eternal life. Jesus is our daily manna

When you take communion, it’s a spiritual reminder of Jesus sacrifice on the cross for us. It’s a spiritual reminder of The Bread of Life from Heaven in Jesus Name Amen

One Master

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:24

When we read this scripture we usually only think about God vs. Money, however this scripture goes deeper than this. If you’re a Christian you probably professed Jesus as your Lord, the Biblical meaning of Lord is Master. Is Jesus really your Master?

Its easy to admire and adore Jesus for his wisdom and sacrifice, even most Muslims would acknowledge his greatness. However do you serve Jesus as your Master? Are you devoted to Christ or are you more devoted to your hobbies or career?

In the Bible, most of Jesus apostles called themselves a “BondServant” or “Bondslave”. This was a Jewish term of someone who willingly made themselves a slave to a master. Are you a Bondservant to Jesus Christ? Have you surrendered your own desires to fulfill Gods will?

Often when we talk like this , people go running for this hills. Because it requires discipline and sacrifice. People often want Jesus to fit into their schedules rather than changing your schedule for Jesus.  As Jesus says in this scripture we cant serve two masters. There is only one master truly in your life, question is who or what is it?

Becoming a Bondservant for Christ is not easy and the transformation usually doesn’t happen overnight. However it’s a status we should aspire to become and ponder our daily lives as to who are we really serving on a daily basis? Surrender yourself to Christ in Jesus Name Amen!

No Longer

The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

Throughout history humanity has left God down, he gave us life, he gave us paradise, he gave us freedom, yet we choose to follow the ways of Satan instead. And during our falls, humanity calls upon God to save them, then goes right back to their sinful and idolatry ways.

This was present ever since the beginning with Adam and Eve, also throughout the history of Israel, and even today during the Church age. Humanity can never seem to stay on the right path. And at times God has been pushed and provoked to put his wrath upon humanity.

But God loved humanity enough to offer a perfect sacrifice once and for all , that would cover the wages of our sins and rebellion. A perfect sacrifice that through Christ he will no longer rebukes us. We can stand before the Holy One , purified and white as snow, because of what Jesus had done for us on the cross

This is only possible because God came down to be with us, and to deliver us from our justified fate. In Gods love he sent Christ so we are no longer rebuked, but we are forgiven and redeemed in Jesus Name Amen

Cross Over

“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life. John 5:24

Have you crossed over? When we think about crossing over we think about leaving our current realm or existence and going into a new dimension. This is exactly what Jesus offers us, he offers us eternal life to cross over from our existing life of sin and death.

This is exactly what Jesus meant by setting us free, we are free from the judgment of Gods wrath. Some might say that this doesn’t apply to them as they don’t believe in God. Just because you don’t believe in something doesn’t mean its not going to happen.

I can guarantee everyone of us will one day stand before God and give an account of our lives. The only difference is are you condemned by the wages of your sins or are you covered by the blood of Jesus Christ? Many people don’t want to talk about this or even ponder it, but this decision will forever seal your fate!

Jesus is calling you to cross over, to drink from the living water that only he can provide, the only one who can bring the dead back to life. Trust in Jesus, hear his word and believe in him. Cross over to eternal life in Jesus Name Amen!

Knowledge Increase

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14

Just as it was prophesied in Daniel 12:4, the age we are living in right now is fulfilling Biblical prophecy. Never has there been a time where the knowledge of God has been revealed and readily available to everyone! Think about everywhere today on this planet that has Internet access, that is where the knowledge of God has been revealed to the world

Think about how many people have smart phones today, not only do most people own one, but they don’t know how to function without one. All the knowledge of God is right at their fingertips, the entire Bible can be downloaded from a free app in any language and any translation. This has never been done before in the history of The Church, we are seeing the knowledge of Jesus Christ be spread throughout the world!

Jesus commanded us to make disciples of  all the nations, how would this been possible in the past? This generation, we are able to fulfill the great commission by using the technology and social media platforms we have at our disposal. There is no more excuse for anyone not to know the gospel of Jesus Christ, but Gods needs you to be a messenger!

So listen to the command of your Lord and Savior, make disciples of all the nations! Just as water covers the sea, we can spread the knowledge and gospel in Jesus Name Amen