Happy Veterans Day!

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

This week we celebrate Veterans Day, to honor our heroes past and present. My Father is a Vietnam Veteran who served 3 years in the Navy, I’m very proud of him for his sacrifice and service he gave to us and this country.

Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for us on the cross. Some would say Jesus was murdered, however this is not true, Jesus willingly laid down his life for us, to be the ransom for our sins. The ransom that has set us free from our sin so we may inherit eternal life. Notice Jesus calls us his “Friends”. Just as the song says “What a friend we have in Jesus” , he demonstrated his love towards us on the cross.

The original Greek word for Love is “Agape”. This word has a stronger meaning than we normally associate with the English word Love. Notice in the KJV translation they translate Agape as “Charity” that’s because Agape is a sacrificial Love, not a superficial Love that we are used to

We honor and thank our veterans because they have demonstrated their Agape towards us also. Any veteran that has served has sacrificed something. But because of them we have the freedom here in America. If you openly practice your religion, Thank a Veteran!, If you openly voice your opinions, Thank a Veteran! If you just voted the other day, Thank a Veteran! Its because of their sacrifice we have freedom

The same with Jesus Christ, its because of his sacrifice on the cross, that we have been freed from Sin and Death. We have ultimate freedom because of Jesus Christ!

Heavenly Father, we pray for all the Veterans today and their families, we pray you set them free from any bondage or chains they may be troubled with. We pray for the peace and strength of the Holy Spirit to tough their hearts in Jesus Name Amen!

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