6 thoughts on “Presbyterian USA HATES Israel

  1. complicatedpoliticsblog

    There are some things the Israeli Government does I cannot condone as a Christian. The Government of Israel is allies with Azerbaijan. A Muslim country run by a dictatorship that persecutes Christians and wages war with their neighbor Armenia over land. Azerbaijan sells its oil to Israel and Israel sells their advanced weapons to Azerbaijan which was used against Armenia. There are many Christians in Armenia. In the 1970s and 1980s Israel was one of the few countries to do business and trade with the racist Apartheid Government in South Africa while most other countries did an embargo on South Africa until Apartheid ended in 1994. I cannot as a Christian condone the Apartheid that was done in South Africa and any country that would do business with it. I also stand with persecuted Armenian and Azerbaijani Christians rather than people who continue to deny Jesus is the Messiah.

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    1. Unashamed of Jesus Post author

      Yes I did a video on that, I understand this is a complex topic and issue, however I just try to remain faithful to what scripture teaches us, Romans 11 seems clear to me there will be a remnant of Israel that will be saved! God bless brother!

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      1. complicatedpoliticsblog

        It is true that a remnant of Israel will be saved. But the government of Israel has proven that like any other human run government they sin and make morally wrong and reckless actions. The Bible verses are not giving the post 1948 government of Israel free reign to do whatever they want. Like everyone else they sin too. God has not blessed Israel in every action they have done. They are not above criticism.

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