Jude 1- Spiritual Firefighters

And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Jude 1:22-23

If you see a person in a burning building, what is the loving thing to do? Is the loving thing to allow them to burn in the building or to grab them out of the fire? The obvious answer is to save the person from destruction, however in our culture today, which has crept into the Church, they have it backwards. The “loving” thing in todays society is to allow people to remain in their sin and to destroy themselves, basically leaving them in the fire.

As Christians we are “Spiritual Firefighters” it’s our job to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, as the Apostle Jude says here “pulling them out of the fire” . But while we do this, we do this with compassion, as other English translations state “have mercy”. The loving thing is to want to save peoples souls, not justify their sin. It’s like a child/parent relationship, a parent who never disciplines their child because they fear it will make them upset, is a parent who doesn’t really love their child. If you love your child, you want them to be prosperous in life, teach them right or wrong, to neglect the child is a great failure of a parents responsibility

This is the state of the fallen Church today, instead of pulling people out of the fire, they are leading them into the fire. As Jesus said “Enter by the narrow gate, broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who goin by it. Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life,  and there are few who find it” ( Matthew 7:13-14) Is this the message the Rainbow Church is telling sinners? The world is headed on the broad road to Hell, however there is noone warning them! Is this loving to lead them to the slaughter?

Now think also about FIrefighters, do they just show up one day and do their job? No, they train and learn how to properly save people. We as Christians need to do the same, study your Bible, learn from other Christians, be led by the Holy Spirit, pray without ceasing, submit to The Lord, you can’t enter this spiritual warfare unprepared or you will end up in the fire yourself. We are not battling against flesh and blood but against evil demonic forces, put on the Armor of God (Ephesians 6)

Last thought I want to leave with you, is remember when you were saved from the fire also. Have mercy and compassion on these lost souls, remember The Lord had mercy on you, have mercy on others, pull them out of the fire, tell them the good news that Christ died for our sins, Christ rose on the 3rd day defeating sin and death forever, repent and believe the gospel, Amen

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