2 thoughts on “Does The United Methodist Church worship “Mother God”?

  1. seekingdivineperspective

    Of course, the Lord has all the good qualities of mother AND father, and there are a few verses comparing Him to a mother (examples: Luke 13:34 and I Peter 2:2-3), but I have a feeling that’s not what these folks mean. And I wouldn’t be comfortable referring to God as my heavenly mother. I sometimes wonder whether some people do different things just to be different, as if the pure Gospel isn’t interesting enough … :/

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    1. Unashamed of Jesus Post author

      The agenda is to destroy the order of creation God has ordained, man was created by God and woman was created from man. This was a natural design and order, that the world wants to reject because they are deceived by Satan…This agenda seeps into all facets and doctrines of Christianity….God bless



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