Lord of The Sabbath

“So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” Mark 2:28

The debate about the Sabbath in Christianity still continues today, even though this topic was settled by the early Apostles at the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15) many groups still like to use this topic to condemn Christians.

Those who say “Jesus never addressed the topic of the Sabbath” are wrong, here is a good example of Jesus addressing the Sabbath. The word Sabbath is translated from the Hebrew word “Shabbat” meaning Rest, to enter into Gods rest. Many rules were added by man (religious leaders) over time to put people into bondage of the Sabbath, which it was never meant to.

The Pharisees were looking to condemn Jesus and his disciples for picking grain to eat on a Sabbath day. He reminded them when King David and his friends ate the bread that was meant for only the high priests, did the religious leaders stone David for this?

Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Mark 2:27

Jesus was showing that the Sabbath was a moral issue and not a legal issue. Did David do anything wrong morally on the Sabbath? No , but according to the legalist he broke the Law. Jesus is explaining the Sabbath was made for us , to give us rest. It wasn’t made to put us in bondage of The Law

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

The Sabbath was all about Gods Rest, Jesus is our Rest, Jesus is the fulfillment of The Sabbath. As Jesus said He is Lord of the Sabbath. Nobody is saying the Sabbath was abolished it was fulfilled.

If you want to keep observing the Sabbath, that is fine, but your not permitted to put others in bondage because of the Sabbath. Being in bondage of The Sabbath defeats the purpose of The Sabbath!

Come to Jesus all you who are seeking Gods Rest, Amen!

15 thoughts on “Lord of The Sabbath

  1. Dee@Sealed in Christ

    I can’t understand why people insist on putting themselves under the law. And yet, they are under law… the law of the Spirit of life in Christ. It’s almost as if freedom from the Law of Moses creates a void in many people and they find it impossible to let go.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. swissdefenceleague

    Hello U.O.J
    6 Active Days Of Creations, 1 Of Rest
    6000 Years Of History, One Thousand Years Of The Reign Of Christ
    Today 5779 Adar 16
    5779 – 2019 = 3760 ( Jesus )
    6000 – 5779 = 221
    221 … Grand Grand Children ?
    I Don’t Believe To Those Calculations, But The 6000 And Then The One Thousand…Have To Say..That Strike Just A Little..
    God Bless !

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Stephanie Bekasi

    Nice job brother!
    Now,if I may interject this one thing. I totally agree with God’s Word,work 6 and take 1 day to rest! That day of rest doesn’t have to fall on a Saturday or Sunday,it’s a day that you rest from working and doing things. Not everyone has a Monday thru Friday workweek so they do #need to find a day where they #rest from work!

    Shalom bro! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Riaan da Horta

    Thank you for a well constructed and researched post. I have just started a study on the Sabbath. What stood for me so far is that the Sabbath was intended as a day or days of atonement.

    I get the feeling God wants us to separate ourselves from the offenses that make up every day life on the Sabbath.

    In my mind the Sabbath is intended to restore oneness and righteousness between the Father and us as well as among us.

    A sad reality is much of that has been lost in the modern day church (I use it the word church loosely and with no one particular view thereof)

    I believe we are meant to grow and mature through relationship based righteousness in honor and obedience to the heart of our Lord Jesus.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. jennacar

    Nothing you have listed says that the day was changed. And if you want to NOT observe a commandment of the Most High every single week by shopping on HIS day, working on HIS day, making others work on HIS day, then you’ll hear what you have earned on that last day. Good luck wid dat.

    Nothing says you can’t worship on Sunday. Have at it. But when you decide to mow your grass, get your groceries, work at your job on the sabbath, that’s where you’re in error.

    And as to the “bondage” you speak of: What is a burden of taking 52 days off a year, to spend to rest, to spend with Him, to spend not worrying about the crazy world? It’s you who are in bondage to being too lazy to actually research history. NONE of the believing assemblies having Jewish leadership were even invited to attend at Niceae where that “change” was usurped by a handful of empire-loving “bishops.” We know that the remaining assemblies–some 1500 to 1600 out of the known existed 1850 were still observing it because the non-believing Constantine issued an edict to fossilize the lie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Unashamed of Jesus Post author

      How ironic you make this post on the Sabbath. So its immoral for me to cut my grass on the Sabbath but ok for you to attack your fellow Brothers and Sisters on the Sabbath? Bad logic

      Show me a scripture in the New Testament where Jesus or any of the Apostles commanded us to keep the Sabbath? Let me help you it doesn’t exist

      Jesus is our Sabbath

      Liked by 1 person


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