Faith Over Fear

But Jesus, overhearing what was being spoken, said to the synagogue official, “Do not be afraid any longer, only believe.”  Mark 5:36

Fear has a way of controlling our lives. Fear of the unknown, Fear of our health, Fear of our relationships, Fear of our futures. But Jesus said Fear no longer only Believe! Meaning your Faith will lead you over your Fear.

In this chapter of Mark 5, we read of multiple people in need of a miracle. A synagogue official in need for his daughter’s life and a woman who had a medical condition most of her life. These people were desperate, but they put their hope in Jesus , and in an instance he restored them.

There were people who mocked Jesus, because the synagogue official’s daughter had died before Jesus reached her house. But notice what Jesus did, he kicked them all out of the room except  his disciples (Mark 5:40) Why? Because there lack of faith was a stumbling block and not a blessing

What is your fear doing to you today? Is it causing you a stumbling block for your faith? You need to remove the power of fear from your life and allow the power of God in

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

Any fear that you feel is not from God, it comes from Satan who uses it as a trap and stumbling block for our faith. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you overcome your fears and anxiety , Do not be afraid any longer, only believe in Jesus Name Amen!

5 thoughts on “Faith Over Fear

  1. Stephanie Bekasi

    Fear is something that we as Christians can not afford to have on any level…it is a crippler!!!! Our enemy uses “fear” in many ways to keep God’s children from growing. There was a time in my life when I was still sucking on “milk”, that fear took on the image of my 1st husband. Yes, “fear” has many faces and for years “fear” used my 1st husband to keep me in bondage, stifled and afraid. I was so controlled by this “fear” that I thought I was invisible. My Lord’s faithfulness to me is what finally Won out and I was able to break free of “fear”. Today “fear” has no place in my life whatsoever! I would witness/share with others how my fear had me in bondage, but through prayer and other believers praying with me, God was faithful and my fear was conquered. Praise the Lord!!! Granted you must have FAITH 100% in Christ in order not to be ruled by this tool our enemy uses. Today FAITH is my best-friend because it has given me so much. Jesus tells us that Perfect LOVE casts out fear and when you have Perfect Love for Jesus, fear can not survive. Today, my Faith is seen by other’s and I give my God, my Lord, Jesus all the glory for that! Again brother, thank you and God bless you richly!

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