Peace of God

And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Its human nature to want control, we want to know the beginning from the end immediately. We want to live prosperous and never suffer.

However we all know , life doesn’t work this way. There will be many things beyond our control, often we don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow, and often times we are going to struggle and sometimes suffer.

If we go into these things without the Peace of God, often we become stressed out, full of anxiety, depressed, anxious, and maybe even suicidal.

However as Children of God, when we learn to give up control to God, we release all of our problems and worries to him, the Peace of God flows over us like a river beyond all our human comprehension or understanding

Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Do you Trust in Jesus or do you lean on your own understanding or comprehension? Often we are the product of our own anxiety and worrying , because we have not given up control to the one who can calm the storm.

Now I know its human nature not to want to give up control or let things go. But when you trust in Jesus with all your Heart, you will have the Peace of God that surpasses all your comprehension and understanding

You don’t need to figure out how God is going to fix your problems, he created the Heavens and The Earth, he can save you also in Jesus Name Amen!

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