What is CHRISTmas?

One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Romans 14:5-8

What does Christmas mean to you? There are some Christians who choose to condemn the celebration of Christmas and those who choose to acknowledge it, who is the judge? There are some who point out that Christmas has some pagan roots but others who use this opportunity to acknowledge our Lord and Savior. The more I search for the meaning of Christmas, the more I realize it’s a personal decision just as is our relationship with God. Nobody can be converted to a Christian, it’s a personal relationship with our God, just the same nobody can be told what the true meaning of Christmas is.

We can choose to ignore Christmas and pretend it doesn’t exist, but does that lead people to Christ? To the lost that will never hear a scripture or know a Church, can they benefit from not hearing the gospel of the Nativity? Some who claim its not Biblical to celebrate the birth of Christ need to reread the scriptures. Angels, Shepherds, and Wisemen came to bow down to the new born King and rejoice for its the salvation of the human race.

So me and my family will celebrate Christmas and use it to glorify the name and birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. If you agree or don’t agree, its ok. One day we will all stand before Jesus and give account of our actions. May the peace of God rule your hearts this Christmas Season in the name of the Prince of Peace Amen

8 thoughts on “What is CHRISTmas?

  1. travisthetraveler

    I like what you say. I do believe all things exist in a pure form when truly glorifying Jesus. My wife and I have been praying about this same question because we were not sure if these practices were glorifying in his eyes. We found this verse and decided it best to wait until we understand what sort of works/practices are considered heathen and why.

    Jeremiah 10:1-5 Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:
    2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
    3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
    4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
    5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

    We are wondering if symbols, idols, etc. are just going to be false until he truly returns to reign again. Either way, it says; they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good. It seems to me that the Serpent is so sly that he tries to corrupt everything that God creates, and that is why we see the perversions that we do. But in the end, we will astonish at how inferior that Old Serpent truly is.

    God Bless you and your family this season to keep you safe and warm!

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