Lack Nothing

Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?” “Nothing,” they answered. Luke 22:35

What do you lack today? Do you always feel you need something more? Just as Jesus sent out his disciples into the world with no money or even sandals, they lacked nothing. Why? Because they understood the principle that God will provide all of our needs (Philippians 4:19)

We’ve become a spoiled generation that never has enough, we need more clothes, bigger houses, and shinier cars, but we don’t understand is we are becoming slaves to our devices. Every material item you want comes with a big price tag that will put you in debt even more. True freedom only comes when you learn to let go over your reliance on worldly objects and trust in God

Just as Jesus taught us God already knows your needs (Matthew 6:8), he knows you need clothing, food, and housing. If you draw near God he will draw near you (James 4:8) Learn to rely on God for all your needs, just as he takes care of the birds in the air, he will take care of you (Matthew 6:26)

The Lord is our Shepherd and we lack nothing (Psalm 23 ) Put you trust in God, the one who breathed life into your body (Genesis 2:7) God will provide all your needs in Jesus Name Amen



13 thoughts on “Lack Nothing

  1. oldschoolcontemporary

    The above is an important lesson for many people who’re hurting today. About us being enslaved to our devices furthermore, I’ve recently been reading the fantastic Socrates meets Jesus (by Peter Kreeft), in which a fictitious Socrates is somehow brought into our more modern times. In the book they are as amazed by our advancement as they’re perplexed by what advancement has done to people. A female character, one who’s thoroughly modern, says something to the effect of “We no longer have slaves, Socrates. We have machines to do our work for us.” The fictitious Socrates was impressed, but also curious, and having watched the unhappy commuters go by said: “Why don’t you send the machines into work then, instead of going to these jobs you dislike?” The modern lady replies: “Well, we do send them to work. But we also go into work to operate the machines.” Socrates gives the perfect comeback: “So, you’re slaves to your slaves!”

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  2. backtojesusnow

    I can attest to the truth of your message. I have given away everything that I have on many occasions. I have travelled around this country and the world by faith, without any money. I have done this for a combined total of many years. I have never missed a meal, never been totally homeless, never been stranded anywhere, and I’ve seen thousands of miracles of God’s provision. Jesus doesn’t play with his words. He backs them up with action. The sad part is that almost no one today has the guts to sell their possessions, give it all to the poor, and to live by faith. I have done it many times. I strongly urge others to do it as well. On judgement day you for sure will wish that you had done so. Blessings brother. Keep preaching the hard truth message. We need more voices like yours today.

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